music has always been a huge part of my life, i can remember being young and watching my dad build his own amplifiers and speakers in our basement, when he was done he created an entire 12 foot wall unit with 8 foot speakers and all home made electronics that kicked ass. he would play music all the time, mostly classical but what a great way to learn about music. i bought my first album when i was 16, creedence clearwater revival, susie q. my dad would let us play it loud and open the windows and we’d dance on the front lawn. dad’s still around and so is his kick ass stereo. so if you have a love for music and enjoy taking photos what does one do. go to work for the local music magazine, in this case the illinois entertainer, from 1977 to 1982 i went to over 250 concerts, press passes, full access, many an interview, queen, tom petty, heart, lynyrd skynyrd, bob seger, sparks, styx, cheap trick, yes, elp, led zeppelin, stones, you get the idea. needless to say thousand of photos later, time to share a few, i will update as i have time. canon a1 ektachrome film various asa lenses and flash units

Prints - ELP - Heart - Misc - Queen - Stones - Yes - Zcenic